Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pine Springs Day 2

Once again, welcome to our new blog - from Camp Pine Springs near Sacramento, NM.

So much has happened since we last wrote... normal mountain rainstorm, hiking to a beautiful crevice way above most of the tree line, camper of the day awards, several more "kidnapped" kids, food, laughter, notes and a worship service that cannot be duplicated. Oh, and due to the mountains and their storms...we've had no internet since 3:00 pm yesterday. (and we thought cell service was a luxury - seems internet is too.) :) But while the sun is shining and the campers are deeply involved in another Fraze activity, here we go.

Yesterday was so full of things, it's hard to list them all. A hearty breakfast, 5 Bible Classes, cabin inspections (yes, a girl's cabin won the 1st day), silly songs, awards, mail call, lunch, a David Fraze active learning activity and some free time (where we had that 2 hour hike!), and one rainfall all occurred before supper. Whew. I sometimes forget this is only Day 2.

As camps all go, so goes Pine Springs. Specific cabins do KP, specific cabins get to eat first, some campers, some cabins, some "teams" are awarded specific prizes ~ there's singing during that KP, and getting to spend time with some amazing counselors (mostly from Lubbock Christian University). Last but never least: Seeing the sun set during a wonderful evening worship time - yes, all happening here.

We have seen God's presence in our campers, in camp staff, in nature: all around us. We were blessed to hear from 3 youth ministers last night: David, Jason, and Mark - the minister from Gateway in Ruidoso. David asked for an encore song "Hosanna" (Lyrics include "Heal my heart and make it clean, Open up my eyes to the things unseen: Show me how to love like you have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks yours, Everything I am for your kingdom's cause, As I walk from earth into eternity. Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest.") It was more than praise - it was total communion with God. It recaptured the day's lesson - that when one part suffers, every part suffers with it. (Our theme verse this week is 1 Corinthians 12:26).

Please continue to pray for our campers. God knows the struggles some of them are facing, and he sees the growth in so many more. The camp staff has given your children and loved ones compliments daily. We are honored and blessed to be part of such a wonderful ministry, and church who loves and supports us. Thank you for your love. We are feeling it.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Oh Wow! There are many ways to wake up - sunrise, alarms, friends, but a BULLHORN? Yep... It's our morning wake up - oh, about 30 minutes of very fulfilling information, everyone is up and moving. The schedule for morning: Calisthenics, Devo, Breakfast then Bible Class - all together - all for one.

1 Corinthians 12:26 is our verse this week: "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." The teens from RHCC and Gateway Church of Christ in Ruidoso, NM are actively learning this. Ask them this weekend what it means to suffer with each other, and to rejoice with each other. God is vividly present.

As I type this, I hear a bell ringing, a counselor yelling "Everyone to the Rec Hall!!!" and some kids in agreement. Time to go see what's happening next. :)
Here's a few pictures of Day 1:

Camp Cabin Morning Devo Cabin Check-in

Bible Class Time

KP Duty - still alive and well!
There are many other things happening with 24:7 other than the camp this week. Hopefully, you have heard/read of the Girl's movie night tonight (June 29 - 7:00 PM) in the HS classroom - for all 24:7 girls. Mickey is leading that event, so bring all your friends and hang out with her! Wednesday we will NOT have a service project, but will go to Keller Pointe for a closed party - just for 24:7 after class. Come to class at 7:00, and join us at the water park. The church bus will take you there, but parents need to pick up their teens at 10:30. JH reVerb is still practicing this Thursday morning, and all church offices will be closed on Friday for the 4th of July holiday.
The website is still running, so check that out for more activities.
Thanks again for visiting our blog.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Welcome to Pine Springs!

We're here, and we made it without any incident!

In case you wonder why your family member hasn't called you to say we arrived safely - there is good reason: There is NO cell phone service.. no texting.. nothing. But rest assured, the camp is taking GREAT care of all of us! Arriving at 6:00 (local time), David and the counselors were waiting to greet us, and what a warm welcome ~ in such cool temperatures! As we traveled higher into the mountains, you could see the temperature reading on the bus (awesome ride and terrific drivers) dropping. In Hobbs, NM, it read 80, but felt so refreshing. That reading dropped until it landed at 64 degrees at our arrival time. Who knows what it is now? C-O-L-D is our reading! (Sorry, I know it's still probably over 80 in FTW.) Lunch was in Lamesa - pizza ordered by Jason and eaten on the road at 2;00 ish.

The counselors helped unload the buses, the kids all checked in, found their cabins and then it was time for dinner. Don't know if we were just that hungry, if food tastes that much better in the mountains, or what - but the spaghetti, corn, toasted bread, salad and sherbet were delicious. We met in the chapel, where we had an overview of the rules (led by Dave, the band and some very funny counselors) and then we experienced worship time - led by Jeremy Epps and his amazing group of band members (including Nicole Crist, Kendra Talley, Michael McCully and Brett Havard). David kicked off the week with a wonderful devotional, reading our theme verse. (soon to come..)

Mixers followed, canteen after that then bed checks.
So, we've concluded our first day. Brains are tired, but ready to be filled with more - more knowledge, more love, more friendship, more of everything.
Thank you all for your prayers and interest. This is the first high school camp that Richland Hills has been on in over 20 years.. maybe 30? What a great place to start it - in the mountains, in the coolness where you know God is near.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Welcome to our first blog! Dr. Dave (Fraze) has found a new way to communicate with our 24:7 family, and here it is. Our first (informative) posts will come from the mountains in New Mexico - Camp Pine Springs!

As I write this, the Ruidoso 10th grade trip is winding down. Two vans have arrived back in Fort Worth, and the other 4 will be here tomorrow around 3 pm. Next Wednesday, there will be no service project, but class WILL take place as usual, and the fun activity will be at Keller Pointe. The RHCC bus will take teens to Keller, but parents need to pick up their children at 10:30 pm. Please bring $5 per person to help cover the cost (we are renting it as a private party - normal swimsuit rules apply).

So, until you hear from us after we arrive in the mountains - have a good weekend!

For the Youth Staff