Monday, November 30, 2009


As the new 24:7 web page has developed, I have forgotten to update this blog.  The webmasters extracted the posts from this website and incorporated them into the new site.  So, in case you have found this blog, please follow this link:  24:7 Blog  It will take you to the current entries.

Thank you for your support during this time of transition.  If you have any comments, or suggestions, please email them to

And thank for being a supporter of 24:7.  We know we are blessed to have such great volunteers, supporters and followers.

For the Youth Staff

Friday, August 28, 2009


In case you've missed all the news.. the updated website is up and running. When you have the extra time, we'd love for you to surf around it and enjoy the new links. ( Hopefully, the creators have heard us (you and me) and placed things in easy to find places. If you have any comments, we'd love to hear them. You can email directly to

Thanks for "looking around"!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hmmmm... I can see it now... you thought you knew all of the different activities and groups in 24:7. But did you know we have our own unicycling team? Under the watchful eye and direction of Jeff Plake, a group meets to practice, and even "perform". (OK, maybe not an actual performance, but you'll see a rather .. um.. amateur video here in a second..)

So, if this sport interests you - contact Jeff (or the youth office and we'll fill you in) and get started - unicycling!

Mud Pit

The 3rd Annual Mud Pit was the crowning event of our Summer Wednesdays at 24:7. In May, the interns and ministers met to set the summer schedule, assign duties and put everything on the calendar. Most of the weeks involved all 3 components of our worship statement, with a service project, followed by a period of worship (led at times by interns, the youth praise band, etc) and then ending the day with a fun activity. A few of those "fun activities" included spending time with friends at a local Sonic after worship, going to a water park where we had the place to ourselves for a "private party" (Thanks Keller Pointe), eating ice cream sundaes out of a "Unique Gutter apparatus" and finishing the summer with our much anticipated MUD PIT! Jason and Tyler worked on fun, organized games, but before we knew it, everyone was just eager to BE muddy, and with daylight running out, it ended up being a few extra minutes of very organized wild and crazy .... slip and sliding muddy people - all unrecognized 24:7 family.

And here are the pictures to prove just how much fun we had that night..

If you missed this year's mud pit, watch the calendar next summer so you won't miss it!

Monday, July 27, 2009

6th Grade Backyard Mission

Today was the start of the 6th Grade Back Yard Mission! The 6th graders and a few volunteers arrived this morning at 9:00am, not sure what to expect with this crazy weather. We loaded up the kiddos in the church bus, and headed up to Mullendore Elementary! When we arrived, about 35 kids began to tackle the landscaping project at Mullendore. We raised gardens around trees with new stones, trimmed huge trees, replaced edging, dug deep trenches in order to reset old trimming, loaded dumpsters, demolished unwanted bushes and plants, and decorated gardens with stones. Thank you Jesus for the cool air! It started to rain around 11:00, so we took an early lunch. When we got back, it began to rain some more, but we persevered! The teens worked so well together, and even though it was way humid and wet, they ALL had smiles on their faces, and worked hard without any complaints! Not only were they great gardeners and landscapers, they were able to build relationships with new and existing friends! To top it all of, we stopped by Quick Trip for some Slurpee's and headed back to 24:7 for some dodge ball and a sleepover! So needless to say, this Mission has begun with a BANG!!! Stay tuned for more updates!
Meghan Rinestine
Neighborhood Connections Intern

Friday, July 24, 2009

Latest from Rio

The Rio Team must have come across an internet connection! Here is the latest news from Susan:

Yesterday was a great day for the Rio team in Brazil. We spent the morning seeing the town. We went to the Christ the Redeemer statue and had a great view of the city. It was very cloudy and the clouds continued to roll in but it was a great time in spite of the weather. We spent the afternoon preparing a meal of potato soup for the church. We attended service and then served 129 bowls of potato soup. Their mid week service is on Thursday. We are at the church building now getting ready for the retreat. We will leave here about 8 pm and drive two hours into the mountains. It is very cold and rainy. They say it will be cold on the retreat. We are all looking forward to spending time with our new brazillian friends. We will return to the church Sunday evening. Everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We send our love. See you soon.

The team returns early Wednesday morning (July 29). We can't wait to see (and post) more news and pictures!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mission Nashville

It's a strange feeling - to be in such a huge city, doing such good work, but being hindered by internet connections (once again - sounds like Pine Springs!). We have received word and pictures from the Nashville team (thanks Terry Spurgin!) and are excited to share their news.

This email arrived late Wednesday night:

It's been another very good day in Nashville. We had rain overnight and drizzle on and off, so some of our outdoor activities were curtailed, but we put in a full day of service. Some of us served at a women's shelter, some packed bags and delivered necessities to homeless people. Some did more painting and room decoration at the Woodbine church building, all participated in worship, games, and crafts with the Y.E.S. kids. God found many opportunities for us to "do unto others".

In the evening we went to a camp that Y.E.S. opperates for a dinner and devo. The campfire had to be skipped due to wet firewood, but we had much fun with the kids and a great testimony from Michael Peters.

Because He rose...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

News from RIO

Good Morning from Brazil! Internet access is limited for our group in Rio, but this just came in by email from Susan. I know you are as anxious to hear from them as we are! :) Sounds like they are doing what we all thought they would - meeting teens, having fun and serving! Here they are...

It's a beautiful day in Rio. The sun is shining and the group is ready for every opportunity that may come their way. Yesterday was our first day in the Reynolds's neighborhood. The weather was cold, about 62 and raining. Because of the rain the neighborhood kids did not come out to play. The youth minister, Jefferson brought about 20 teens from the church. We spend the day playing indoor and outdoor games. Most everyone got wet, but it was a great time. The language barrier is difficult but everyone is finding ways to work around it. Gestures and a lot of laughing. Several of us went to the grocery store to do the daily shopping. After our evening meal we heard several children outside and our teens rushed out to meet with them. Today looks as if it will be a fine day for the neighborhood kids to meet our teens. The youth from the church will be back to work with us. Everyone is so excited to serve where ever they can.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ecamp Returns today

And I thought being in the mountains of New Mexico was hard to get information out, but Hawkins Texas seems to be held hostage by the communication airwaves. (or by some extraterresterial.)

Next week - we WILL have more pictures and stories, but until then, come join us today at 4:30 as the campers and staff return. Awards will be presented and the video will be shown. The buses are alittle ahead of schedule, so see you early!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

E-Camp - News from the Galaxy

Ecamp 2009 update:
Stardate: Monday, July 13...We have entered into the Brookhaven galaxy of East Texas. The 126 campers and 36 staff members of the Starship Encounter have embarked on a journey to seek out how Jesus has encountered others from His word, in our lives and us this week at camp.
Sunday, we got off to a great start to this mission as we all have a better understanding of how Jesus had and still has "Close Encounters" with people on a daily basis.
Today (Monday), we are discovering Jesus' presence here on earth on in our lives.
Jeremy and the Ecamp band has been leading us all into the presence of God with some incredible worship experiences.
So far the pool & swim pond was warm, but a welcome refreshing time this afternoon.
This evening Hoss Ridgeway (comedian) will entertain us with imitations of Chris Farley and funny stories from his "husky"past.
Captain Hollingsworth & Fraze

Friday, July 10, 2009

Patrick Mead at SYS

Tonight was Richland Hill's opportunity to host the area teens at Summer Youth Series (SYS). Patrick Mead (from Scotland, via Detroit) was our speaker following Thomas Aduddell's leading of some mighty worship songs. Yep - just like we remembered SYS - so neat to be with so many people who all love the Lord.

Patrick spoke on "Community" - seems like we are really trying to be just that - a community. The one thing teens want to see is acceptance - where walls (between schools, skin color, economic status, age, looks, etc) all come down and they can be themselves - who God made them to be. This is what community really is - accepting others, loving others, not judging others and forgiving others. Thank you Patrick for helping us remember that. I'll especially remember the $15 principle every time I go to a car wash. :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ecamp is Coming!

After a terrific week at the high school camp, the office is now gearing up for the junior high E-Camp! The parents take their teens to Brookhaven Sunday, July 12th. Registration begins at 2:30 and runs until 4:30. Parents: PLEASE check with the office to turn in any missing forms before Friday at noon. The 24:7 bus will bring back the campers on Thursday for the final awards ceremony and video at 5:00 pm.

The next blog will introduce happenings from Hawkins, TX - at Brookhaven camp!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Farewell HS Camp

It's hard to believe the week is over. But the video tonight captured all of the five days we've been here - from our arrival on the buses, to the events of today. I just checked the weather - our low tonight is 55 here in the NM mountains. Our home temperature in Fort Worth is 86 degrees right now. We will miss many things about Pine Springs - and the weather is only one small part.

Today's event was a once in a lifetime experience. The campers woke up without a counselor in their cabin, no kitchen staff to prepare breakfast (or lunch) and the few adults they met were not here to give advice or help with the plans of the day. The handful of adults here were to observe and to make sure the ship was still sailing upright. As news spread around camp that David, Jason, the counselors and staff were all gone with no known hour of return, they began to mobilize. One camper found the bullhorn and started the routine of waking the others. What was to come next? A group of leaders would arise. The teens (and not all graduated seniors - many were freshmen and underclassmen) organized the morning devo, put out the breakfast foods (cereal, yogurt, muffins - that were left with instructions from the kitchen staff), held a morning worship time (complete with microphones, sound board and slides - all led by the students), had mail call, and organized devotionals - one for the guys and another led by the girls.

Lunch was served and afternoon activities ensued. Just about the time they were getting a bit weary of not knowing how long this "exercise" would last, Jason and David came walking down the road - out of the mountain that lined the camp. They had been there all along, watching and listening - and seeing and hearing everything. Surprised? Absolutely. Glad to see them? You know it. We all gathered in the chapel for a great time of processing. A few minutes later, the 2 vans came into camp - horns honking, lights flashing! The other adults and counselors were home. And it was a wonderful reunion.

Tonight was "banquet night". The campers were seated, and were served by the staff. Dinner was complete with table decor (candles) and the final awards were given. Each day, the counselors and 24:7 adults selected 2 campers of the day. Today, 3 extra campers were recognized - Mr Pine Springs, Miss Pine Springs, and the All Around Camper.
The RHCC staff did full KP duty while the campers were given time to prepare for worship.

Worship - THAT was undescribable. The night ended with canteen, watching the video that was made by a member of the camp staff, and the campfire, led by our students.

We are packed now, and asleep (well, all but this writer). Tomorrow will bring a new day, new experiences, and new memories. But nothing will erase the experiences and memories of today. Thank you for your prayers this week. The Spirit has been very active in all of our lives, and we believe that the lesson we learned about this family of God will live in us for many days, weeks, months and hopefully years to come.

Fort Worth Texas - get ready for a radical youth group from 24:7 to hit the streets. We are a united family.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Active Learning...

Today has been the most personally challenging day the campers have had so far. Dave and Jason (and Mark) have led them to the scriptures - and they are seeing it. They see that if one part suffers, every part suffers with it and if one part is honored every part rejoices with it. They ARE living 1 Corinthians 12:26. You may hear some rumblings of what has gone on today, and we will share more of that later. For now, please know they are perfectly fine - better than fine - they are amazing - and you will be extremely proud of your teens. God is good and HE is rejoicing in what he sees today in their lives. The camp story continues to be written in ways we could only imagine. All wonderful ways. We can't wait to tell you more of that story.

These pictures are the beginning of that story. See if you notice anything different. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lunch in the Meadow Today

(This first picture actually was taken yesterday. But it was too good to pass up!)

What a beautiful day we're having! Waking up to 80's songs on the bullhorn (thanks to Fraze and Mark Hadley from Ruidoso Gateway church), to Bible Class, to fun and silly songs led by Jeremy Epps, Fraze, David Gililland and Mark Hadley (Ruidoso youth minister) - we have had a super day so far. Wednesdays at Camp Pine Springs, the counselors and kitchen staff serve corn dogs and fixings in "the Meadow". After a steep hike, we arrived at our banquet - and were served by such happy faces! Following lunch there was time for games, laughter, fun and relaxing conversations then we all headed back to camp.

This afternoon's active learning event was so valuable - to all of us... it reaffirms that we have one leader and we are trying to follow that One. No one person or thing should take our focus off of that. I know the parents are anxious to talk to their children about what they are experiencing, and so are we. It would be easy to tell you more here but the stories are all different and personal. Hearing it first hand is most important.

So instead of many words today, here are many pictures. I am also trying to load a couple of short videos onto You Tube - but am having logistic problems. Nothing earth shattering to report - just an idea of how much fun we all had in that meadow today, and having fun before daily mail call and camp awards. I believe everyone looks forward to the evening worship time. There are many messengers sent to the sky during this time- in prayers, in tears and in thanksgiving for what we are allowed to witness and feel.
As we remember our theme for this summer - with a small change: "Greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done... in this camp."

The lyrics to this great song:

You're the God of this City You're the King of these people

You're the Lord of this nation You are

You're the Light in this darkness You're the Hope to the hopeless

You're the Peace to the restless You are

There is no one like our God There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this camp

Greater thing have yet to come And greater things are still to be done in this camp..
Parents: Thank you for allowing us to spend time with your children. Here they are - more precious memories and reasons we love the Lord.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pine Springs Day 2

Once again, welcome to our new blog - from Camp Pine Springs near Sacramento, NM.

So much has happened since we last wrote... normal mountain rainstorm, hiking to a beautiful crevice way above most of the tree line, camper of the day awards, several more "kidnapped" kids, food, laughter, notes and a worship service that cannot be duplicated. Oh, and due to the mountains and their storms...we've had no internet since 3:00 pm yesterday. (and we thought cell service was a luxury - seems internet is too.) :) But while the sun is shining and the campers are deeply involved in another Fraze activity, here we go.

Yesterday was so full of things, it's hard to list them all. A hearty breakfast, 5 Bible Classes, cabin inspections (yes, a girl's cabin won the 1st day), silly songs, awards, mail call, lunch, a David Fraze active learning activity and some free time (where we had that 2 hour hike!), and one rainfall all occurred before supper. Whew. I sometimes forget this is only Day 2.

As camps all go, so goes Pine Springs. Specific cabins do KP, specific cabins get to eat first, some campers, some cabins, some "teams" are awarded specific prizes ~ there's singing during that KP, and getting to spend time with some amazing counselors (mostly from Lubbock Christian University). Last but never least: Seeing the sun set during a wonderful evening worship time - yes, all happening here.

We have seen God's presence in our campers, in camp staff, in nature: all around us. We were blessed to hear from 3 youth ministers last night: David, Jason, and Mark - the minister from Gateway in Ruidoso. David asked for an encore song "Hosanna" (Lyrics include "Heal my heart and make it clean, Open up my eyes to the things unseen: Show me how to love like you have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks yours, Everything I am for your kingdom's cause, As I walk from earth into eternity. Hosanna. Hosanna. Hosanna in the highest.") It was more than praise - it was total communion with God. It recaptured the day's lesson - that when one part suffers, every part suffers with it. (Our theme verse this week is 1 Corinthians 12:26).

Please continue to pray for our campers. God knows the struggles some of them are facing, and he sees the growth in so many more. The camp staff has given your children and loved ones compliments daily. We are honored and blessed to be part of such a wonderful ministry, and church who loves and supports us. Thank you for your love. We are feeling it.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Oh Wow! There are many ways to wake up - sunrise, alarms, friends, but a BULLHORN? Yep... It's our morning wake up - oh, about 30 minutes of very fulfilling information, everyone is up and moving. The schedule for morning: Calisthenics, Devo, Breakfast then Bible Class - all together - all for one.

1 Corinthians 12:26 is our verse this week: "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." The teens from RHCC and Gateway Church of Christ in Ruidoso, NM are actively learning this. Ask them this weekend what it means to suffer with each other, and to rejoice with each other. God is vividly present.

As I type this, I hear a bell ringing, a counselor yelling "Everyone to the Rec Hall!!!" and some kids in agreement. Time to go see what's happening next. :)
Here's a few pictures of Day 1:

Camp Cabin Morning Devo Cabin Check-in

Bible Class Time

KP Duty - still alive and well!
There are many other things happening with 24:7 other than the camp this week. Hopefully, you have heard/read of the Girl's movie night tonight (June 29 - 7:00 PM) in the HS classroom - for all 24:7 girls. Mickey is leading that event, so bring all your friends and hang out with her! Wednesday we will NOT have a service project, but will go to Keller Pointe for a closed party - just for 24:7 after class. Come to class at 7:00, and join us at the water park. The church bus will take you there, but parents need to pick up their teens at 10:30. JH reVerb is still practicing this Thursday morning, and all church offices will be closed on Friday for the 4th of July holiday.
The website is still running, so check that out for more activities.
Thanks again for visiting our blog.