Thursday, July 2, 2009

Active Learning...

Today has been the most personally challenging day the campers have had so far. Dave and Jason (and Mark) have led them to the scriptures - and they are seeing it. They see that if one part suffers, every part suffers with it and if one part is honored every part rejoices with it. They ARE living 1 Corinthians 12:26. You may hear some rumblings of what has gone on today, and we will share more of that later. For now, please know they are perfectly fine - better than fine - they are amazing - and you will be extremely proud of your teens. God is good and HE is rejoicing in what he sees today in their lives. The camp story continues to be written in ways we could only imagine. All wonderful ways. We can't wait to tell you more of that story.

These pictures are the beginning of that story. See if you notice anything different. :)

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