Friday, July 3, 2009

Farewell HS Camp

It's hard to believe the week is over. But the video tonight captured all of the five days we've been here - from our arrival on the buses, to the events of today. I just checked the weather - our low tonight is 55 here in the NM mountains. Our home temperature in Fort Worth is 86 degrees right now. We will miss many things about Pine Springs - and the weather is only one small part.

Today's event was a once in a lifetime experience. The campers woke up without a counselor in their cabin, no kitchen staff to prepare breakfast (or lunch) and the few adults they met were not here to give advice or help with the plans of the day. The handful of adults here were to observe and to make sure the ship was still sailing upright. As news spread around camp that David, Jason, the counselors and staff were all gone with no known hour of return, they began to mobilize. One camper found the bullhorn and started the routine of waking the others. What was to come next? A group of leaders would arise. The teens (and not all graduated seniors - many were freshmen and underclassmen) organized the morning devo, put out the breakfast foods (cereal, yogurt, muffins - that were left with instructions from the kitchen staff), held a morning worship time (complete with microphones, sound board and slides - all led by the students), had mail call, and organized devotionals - one for the guys and another led by the girls.

Lunch was served and afternoon activities ensued. Just about the time they were getting a bit weary of not knowing how long this "exercise" would last, Jason and David came walking down the road - out of the mountain that lined the camp. They had been there all along, watching and listening - and seeing and hearing everything. Surprised? Absolutely. Glad to see them? You know it. We all gathered in the chapel for a great time of processing. A few minutes later, the 2 vans came into camp - horns honking, lights flashing! The other adults and counselors were home. And it was a wonderful reunion.

Tonight was "banquet night". The campers were seated, and were served by the staff. Dinner was complete with table decor (candles) and the final awards were given. Each day, the counselors and 24:7 adults selected 2 campers of the day. Today, 3 extra campers were recognized - Mr Pine Springs, Miss Pine Springs, and the All Around Camper.
The RHCC staff did full KP duty while the campers were given time to prepare for worship.

Worship - THAT was undescribable. The night ended with canteen, watching the video that was made by a member of the camp staff, and the campfire, led by our students.

We are packed now, and asleep (well, all but this writer). Tomorrow will bring a new day, new experiences, and new memories. But nothing will erase the experiences and memories of today. Thank you for your prayers this week. The Spirit has been very active in all of our lives, and we believe that the lesson we learned about this family of God will live in us for many days, weeks, months and hopefully years to come.

Fort Worth Texas - get ready for a radical youth group from 24:7 to hit the streets. We are a united family.

1 comment:

  1. We had so much fun at camp - What a blessing! Cindy - you are amazing! Twitter, Facebook, blogging... You ROCK!
